Looking for help
Alexander R
Alexander R

Looking for help

Looking forBy Alexander R  verified

About this listing

Good day everyone! I looking for people who can help me with my way in Germany. I want to develop my art skills and hobbies​,​ i want to go to work soon in Berlin. I have everything for this including languages knowledge and will​,​ but i need someone who can help me with place to stay. I am currently living with friends​,​ that making stress for me and them. Berlin is my most preferred place because i have no possibility to come back to Ukraine​,​ because i have my loved girlfriend and friends in this city. I also like Germany and possibilities that Berlin provides.


  • Accommodation

Other info

Available from: 7/26/2023

Language skills: B1->B2 German (in progress), Fluent English

Capacity: 1



Alexander R

Hello, I'm Alexander R.

Hi! I am 18 year old. My hobbies are haircutting, drawing tattoo sketches and doing tattoos. I am living a year in Germany as a refugee, i have b1 german and c1 English…